Australia's meat processors want either side of politics to focus on soaring energy costs and labour shortages.

Telstra is headed to Federal Court after its ads on the back of payphones were dubbed a “cash grab”.

The Morrison government wants to reduce power prices by 25 per cent.

The competition regulator has opposed the planned merger of TPG and Vodaphone.

Eighteen people have been charged over a fake daycare scam in NSW.

There is a spelling mistake on the new $50 note.

Tasmanian teachers could be the first to end a year-long stalemate with the Tasmanian Government over pay and conditions.

The ALP says Australia will get its first minister for charities if it wins the May 18 federal election.

A WA Police Force employee has been accused of selling information she unlawfully accessed from work computer systems.

A former Ipswich mayor has been accused of dishonestly using ratepayer funds ...

A new assessment of global biodiversity paints a gloomy picture of the accelerating decline of life on Earth.

Reports this week show academics in despair over international students struggling to pass courses.

Reports say police face-matching software used during the Commonwealth Games was rushed and ineffective.

NSW politicians are pushing for compensation over a scrapped mine deal.

Two big protests over the weekend showed anti-fossil fuel sentiment remains strong.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has wiped a $4,000 Centrelink ‘robo-debt’ just before a legal challenge.

Australia’s media union says journalists are being hampered by defamation laws, suppression orders and national security laws.

Nine has sold more than 160 regional newspapers to a former Fairfax employee.

Analysts say lifting mandatory super to 12 per cent will strip $20 billion a year out of wages.

Facebook and Google continue to funnel most of their money out of Australia to the low-tax haven of Singapore.

The taxi industry has launched a class action alleging that Uber operated illegally in Australia.

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