OpenAI is considering exiting the EU amidst stricter AI regulations.

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has raised concerns about its future in Europe, stating that it may withdraw from the region if it fails to comply with the forthcoming artificial intelligence (AI) regulations proposed by the European Union (EU).

As the EU takes strides towards becoming a global leader in AI governance, it is developing what could potentially be the world's first comprehensive set of rules for AI. 

In this framework, companies utilising generative AI technologies like ChatGPT will be required to disclose any copyrighted materials employed during the development of their systems.

However, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has expressed a commitment to initially attempting compliance with the regulations within Europe. 

Altman made this announcement during a recent event held in London, emphasising OpenAI's intention to make every effort to adhere to the regulatory framework once it is established. 

“The current draft of the EU AI Act would be over-regulating, but we have heard it's going to get pulled back,” he said recently, indicating a possibility of the regulations being revised.

The draft of the EU AI Act was recently endorsed by members of the European Parliament, marking an important milestone. 

The bill will now undergo further discussions and negotiations among representatives from the Parliament, the Council, and the Commission to finalise its details.

Altman highlighted potential areas where adjustments could be made, saying; “There's so much they could do like changing the definition of general-purpose AI systems”. 

OpenAI supports the notion of revisiting the classification of general-purpose AI systems, as proposed by policymakers. 

This classification would account for AI tools that possess multiple applications, such as the Microsoft-backed ChatGPT.