Archived News for Human Resource Professionals - April, 2019
Traditional owners say they will use every legal option to argue that Adani’s Carmichael coal mine poses ‘alarming’ risk to sacred wetlands.
Healthscope sale questioned
Questions have been asked about the Federal Government approval of the sale of 43 Australian hospitals.
LNP climate plan scores low
The Coalition has scored 4/100 on the Australian Conservation Foundation’s climate change policy scorecard.
Booze ads back brands
Alcohol advertising in sport can have long-term effects on drinking attitudes, according to a new study.
Local drug alerts fall short
Experts suggest Australians are being kept in the dark about new risks of medicines.
Adani's water claims seem short
Adani does not have enough water permits to cover the construction of its Carmichael mine, analysis suggests.
Domestic fleet dwindling
Unions, industry and defence analysts say they are concerned by Australia's shrinking merchant fleet.
Green convoy meets mine town
An anti-coal convoy has been met with a frosty welcome in the tiny Queensland coal-mining town of Clermont.
Greens seek big legal boosts
The Greens want $1.59 billion worth of legal reforms, including a boost for legal aid and domestic violence prevention.
Boeing hints at big cost
Boeing expects at least a $US1 billion ($1.4 billion) increase in costs related to its troubled 737 Max.
OECD warns of automation
About 36 per cent of Australian jobs are at risk of automation, the OECD says.
CCC clears council claims
The Gold Coast City Council and Mayor Tom Tate have been cleared of several corruption allegations.
Education fraud reported
Queensland Education staff were embroiled in more than 100 cases of fraud last year, new documents show.
Home Affairs quick to correct
Home Affairs has paid an employee on the same day her underpayment case was lodged in the Federal Court.
News trauma studied
Researchers have identified a feedback cycle that keeps us consuming concerning news.
Ai Group wants IR freeze
The Australian Industry Group wants an industrial relations freeze until new senators take office.
Carnegie collapse reviewed
Administrators have revealed the inner workings of a now-collapsed wave energy project.