Archived News for Human Resource Professionals - July, 2020
The Federal Government is working on a plan to force Facebook and Google to pay traditional news media to publish their content.
Half a million take whole super
More than half a million Australians have “completely cleaned out” their superannuation savings.
Student visas re-opening
The Federal Government is beginning to grant visas to international students to lift struggling university sector.
Police promotions flawed
An independent review has found many Queensland Police promotions were made through a flawed appointment process.
SA hospitals slammed
South Australian public hospitals have been accused of failing to deliver appropriate and acceptable care to patients with disabilities.
Fee change on shaky basis
The Federal Government has not modelled whether charging more for humanities will work.
New powers may not stay
The PM says recent moves to give bosses more power over workers will only be temporary.
Social spend suggested
Instead of helping with expensive renovations, the Federal Government is being urged to build social housing.
Workers' comp rorts uncovered
A deep investigation of Australia’s $60 billion workers’ compensation system has uncovered widespread mismanagement.
Google sued over data change
The ACCC is taking legal action against Google over the expanded use of personal data.
New group for green chains
Some of Australian biggest companies are coming together to work towards net zero emissions in their supply chains.
Sentence lands in Ultranet scandal
A former Victoria Education department executive has been sentenced over a $1 million tech fraud.
Adelaide VC resigns
Adelaide University’s vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen has been under investigation for alleged misconduct, and has now resigned due to ill health.
Creativity key to STEM too
A local researcher is pushing for Australian schools and universities to increase their emphasis on teaching creativity.
Hundreds join call for humanity
Hundreds of prominent Australians have signed a letter calling for efforts to solve the biggest challenges facing humanity.
JobKeeper keeping zombies alive
Liquidators say JobKeeper and other stimuli are keeping zombie businesses alive.
Video game violence reviewed
A new meta-analysis has found no long-term link between violent video games and youth aggression.
Vic. debt revealed
The Victorian budget should return an operating deficit of $7.5 billion in the 2019-20 financial year.
Charges laid over WA amputation
WA has seen its first ever ‘gross negligence’ verdict, the most serious offence possible under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.