The NSW Government has introduced structural changes aimed at reducing the public sector's reliance on consultants and controlling costs. 

A new unit within the Premier’s Department is being created to redirect agencies to in-house resources and build internal capabilities for high-demand services.

The newly formed group will address skills shortages and workforce gaps, enhancing long-term planning for essential services. 

Additionally, the department will now manage data collection and reporting on the public sector workforce, including the People Matters survey. 

The state says this function is being moved from the Public Service Commission to better integrate with government policy making.

Legislation is being introduced to amend the Government Sector Employment Act 2013, allowing it to refocus the Public Service Commissioner on ethics and integrity, while workforce planning and data collection functions shift to the Premier’s Department. 

The Commissioner will maintain independent oversight to ensure integrity in public sector recruitment and employment.

The Premier’s Department, in collaboration with The Cabinet Office, will also lead the development of a new Core NSW Public Service Work Policy. 

This policy will outline the types of work that agencies must perform in-house.

The state Labor government says it Liberal predecessors “wasted taxpayers’ money, including engaging consultants more than 10,000 times” and “engaged one consultant every hour - including when it could have been done in-house for half the price”.