New research suggests street busking is relying more on digital payments.

The world’s relationship with cash is changing, while recent events have led to dramatically reduced foot traffic in CBDs, prompting street performers to find different ways to generate income.

Economists have found that passers-by often donate more when paying via digital platforms like apps, QR codes, PayPal and even Bitcoin, compared to the centuries’ old method of dropping loose coins.

A new study from RMIT has analysed individual payments to over three and half thousand active buskers from 121 countries to predict the characteristics of performers who were more likely to receive online donations.

The study found North America and Europe were home to the most active buskers and audiences, with buskers in the UK and USA having significantly higher prospects of receiving donations.

Lead author Dr Meg Elkins said street performers had a critical role to play as cities looked to bring back the buzz to their CBDs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Buskers often exist on the cultural fringes and get little, if any funding, but can bring vibrancy to streets, squares and shopping strips as people walk from the train to their office or duck out during their lunch hour,” Dr Elkins said.

“Europe and America have well-established busking cultures from Covent Gardens in London, Mauerpark in Berlin, to the many and varied roving performers in New York’s Washington Square Park and subway stations, and this time of year when the northern summer is beginning is when it’s often at its finest.

“Buskers performing in public for coin is a centuries old practice, but they have to move online as our society becomes increasingly cashless.

“We know many street performers become personalities in their own right and we wanted to uncover how they could use digital payment systems to increase their online earnings and create more sustainable careers.”

The study also found:

  • Circus performers received the biggest donations

  • Musicians were most likely to receive donations, but received smaller amounts compared to other types of artists

  • The number of other onlookers influenced if and how much passers-by donated

  • The artist’s location and social media profile also impacted and influenced receiving a donation

The study is accessible here.