A researcher at Griffith University has warned  that while cashing in on the mining boom with a fly-in fly-out job may reap obvious financial benefit, the hidden emotional costs may not be so well understood.

Professor Paula Brough, director of the Social and Organisational Psychology Research Unit cautions that amidst the unabated demand for lucrative mining jobs, those considering flying out to Australia's mine sites may not be aware of the potential psychological risk to their health.

Recently released data by the Australian Bureau of Statistics indicates that while total job positions have fallen by 181,000, mining jobs are massively in demand across Australia. Meanwhile, the industry's investment pipeline has projects worth around $900 billion, with economists expecting that to improve further this year.

Professor Brough said that the financial rewards of working in these environments are a strong draw for many,  but there are many cases of people, who after a period of time, have found that the disadvantages can outweigh the benefits.

"Often employers on the traditional fly-in fly-out rosters can suffer from feelings of isolation in being so far away from their family and everyday community. They often lack the support of their usual networks, daily routines and daily contact with their families.

"Likewise the partners and families of mining sector workers can have similar negative feelings, with wives often having to care for children alone and children missing out on frequent contact with one of their parents."

Although no specific research has so far been conducted by the Griffith Unit, Professor Brough said she had heard via third parties, of the negative emotional toll that this type of employment can take. 

"It seems that the two year mark is a significant benchmark when the situation starts to wear on employees and they decide the financial gain is not worth the emotional strain. Quality of life seems to win the day in the end for a lot of stressed workers."


Professor Brough added that her research with public agencies has revealed that many workers leave these services to work in the mines when local job opportunities are scarce.

"People then tend to come back to their communities in significant numbers when the local employment options improve. We can therefore clearly see that the financial benefits of mining jobs are often only a short-term incentive for many workers."


The House of Representatives Committee Standing Committee on Regional Australia is currently conducting public hearing in its inquiry into the use of 'fly in-fly out' work practices in regional Australia.


In its submission, Skills Australia  acknowledges that FIFO is "an extremely complex issue and that there are mixed views about the social effects of FIFO, including its impact on families, individuals and industry".


However, it says, "FIFO is a cost-effective way to address skills shortages and meet workforce needs, to increase efficiency, and to avoid some of the social problems that may arise from developing a ‘mining town’ or ‘company town’. There is also the advantage of flow on effects to home communities, locating families with services and improving the local economy."


More information about the Committee inquiry is here.