The Federal Government has allocated $255 million for monitoring of detainees released by court order. 

In response to the recent High Court ruling deeming indefinite detention unlawful, the Australian government has allocated $255 million to enforce strict visa conditions on individuals released from immigration detention. 

This move follows the release of 138 detainees, including some with criminal convictions, sparking concerns about community safety.

The funding includes $88 million for the Australian Federal Police to establish regional response teams and personnel dedicated to investigating breaches of visa conditions. 

The government aims to ensure compliance with release terms, such as curfews and ankle monitors, and enhance prosecution capabilities for any violations.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles says the government will strengthen existing laws, stating; “We're doing all we can to ensure these strict rules are robust and enduring”.

Reports say that of the 138 released individuals, 132 are under electronic monitoring, four are currently investigated by the AFP for non-compliance, and the remaining two involve complex cases with health issues. 

Additionally, the package allocates $150 million to the Australian Border Force to bolster staff in compliance, investigations, removal, and surveillance functions.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil has defended the emergency laws, saying that they were implemented to address community safety concerns while awaiting the High Court's detailed decision.

She announced a service to assist victims of crimes committed by released detainees in engaging with support providers and the government.

Opposition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan has called for greater transparency in implementing the emergency laws, urging the government to clarify its actions.

Independent MP Kylea Tink is set to introduce legislation capping immigration detention at 90 days, with detainees able to appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal after this period. 

The proposed bill seeks to prevent the indefinite detention of non-citizens and the holding of children in immigration detention.

The government's actions have sparked concerns, with human rights advocates cautioning against potential “extrajudicial” punishment.

The Law Council has also raised alarms, stating that the new laws lack sufficient safeguards and may not be proportionate.