The Federal Government has allocated $255 million for monitoring of detainees released by court order.

The Treasurer has unveiled significant reforms for accounting standards and ASIC.

The Productivity Commission has called for free early education for low-income families.

The collapse of an EU trade deal could see Australia pivot to the UAE.

New figures show a widening funding gap in Australia's education system, with an $800 million overfunding in private schools compared to a $4.5 billion shortfall for public schools.

The Federal Government is proposing strict new online safety measures.

The Federal Government is intensifying its battle against cybercriminals with a $600 million injection.

JobKeeper, the Morrison government's $89 billion wage subsidy, appears to have overstayed its welcome ...

New laws could change the experience for millions of Australians accessing their favourite streaming content through smart TVs.

Male scientists are more likely to be referenced in papers, but women are catching up.

The University of Queensland has taken the top position in new local uni rankings.

BHP is worried that enhancing workers’ rights will damage the mining industry.

The Fair Work Commission has made a significant ruling on the impact of working from home on productivity.

David McBride's high-profile whistleblower trial has concluded abruptly.

Port operator DP World Australia is facing criticism for not addressing a critical IT vulnerability, leading to a recent cyber attack.

Northern Territory Chief Minister Natasha Fyles has divested shares in gas company Woodside amid scrutiny over a perceived conflict of interest.

The Albanese Government has entered a new phase of public sector whistleblower reforms.

The Federal Government is imposing “draconian” measures on recently-released foreigners.

ASTRO 3D has reached gender parity in astronomy within just five years.

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has defended its move to eliminate references to “merit” from its hiring policy.

A surge in cybercrime targeting Australians has been attributed to...

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