Former federal MP Craig Thomson has been ordered to pay $458,000 for breaching the Fair Work Act.

Some potential recipients of the Federal Government’s $1.1 billion “ideas boom” investment say revolutionising the economy will take more than just money.

The ACCC says petrol margins are at their highest on record, letting retailers harvest the benefits from falling oil prices.

A new study has shown the mental health strain that climate change can bring for Australian workers.

The Federal Government signed an international climate change deal in Paris on Saturday night, which seeks to limit the future increase in global temperatures to “well below” 2 degrees Celsius.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has kicked in to fund a new non-profit research company that seeks to promote ethical and safe artificial intelligence (AI).

A landmark report says Tasmanians cannot blame social disadvantage or low government spending for being behind on social and economic indicators.

The ACCC is taking a third big training provider to court on allegations it used illegal tactics to lure in new students, and rack up federal government loans.

Federal politicians, judges and top bureaucrats will receive a 2 per cent pay rise at the end of an Abbott government-era wage freeze next month.

The ACT’s Government-owned utility Icon Water has been accused of sacking workers because they are too old.

The head of Western Australia's Corruption and Crime Commission has commented on a string of “spectacular own goals” by the corruption watchdog in recent years.

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) has found a high prevalence and tolerance of sexual harassment within Victoria Police.

With Paris climate talks stymied in indecision and ideological conflict, one researcher says appealing to a higher power might be the key.

The Federal Government has put up almost $1.1 billion to promote business-based research, development and innovation over the next four years.

The biggest move in the wake of the royal commission into trade unions has come in the form of charges against CFMEU leader John Setka.

A group of US scientists and activists want the next level of gene-editing techniques banned.

The Federal Government has announced a funding freeze of the training sector ahead of a complete review.

The insurance industry has welcomed the Federal Government’s renewed focus on natural disaster preparedness and mitigation.

It can take young people up to a decade to secure a stable and meaningful job after leaving secondary school, according to Australia’s most comprehensive youth trends study, the Life Patterns project.

New research shows the act of handling money makes young children work harder and give less.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) acted unlawfully when by raiding the Canberra headquarters of the Construction, Mining, Forestry, and Energy Union (CFMEU), the ACT Supreme Court has found.

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